Dream About Electric Shock Biblical Spiritual Meaning

Spiritual meaning of electricity in a dream and the spiritual meaning of electric shock dream. If you've seen electricity in your dream, read this.

Spiritual Meaning Of Electric Shock Dream

Dreams come to us in various forms. Sometimes they come unexpectedly, and some other times, they could throw us off balance. One of the dreams that always leaves many perplexed and wondering what could be happening in their life, is a dream about electricity. Today, we are going to learn about the spiritual meaning of electricity in a dream, as much as the Holy Spirit gives insight.

If you found this article during your search for the spiritual meaning of electric shock dream, I know that you have many questions. Let's trust that your questions get resolved today. Read on!

Romans 13:1 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

As we progress, we will touch on some the following:

  • Electric wire dream meaning
  • Electric spark dream meaning
  • Electric shock in dream meaning
  • What does it mean to dream about electricity

Dreams about electricity are sometimes pleasant to see; but at the same time, electricity dreams can bring fear and confusion. It all depends on whether the dream is a negative or positive one. Not all electricity dreams are a good omen, and not all are a bad omen. 

Some who woke up out of a dream of experiencing electric shock were only able to describe it as, “... felt like I was being electrocuted in my dream.” Please understand that seeing a dream about getting electrocuted isn't always a bad omen. It also rarely means the dreamer will get electrocuted when they wake up. There are cases where such a dream could be a very powerful dream from God

Spiritual Meaning Of Electricity In A Dream

So much can be said when it comes to the spiritual meaning of electricity in a dream. First of all, let's be reminded that life is spiritual. The force of electricity is a spiritual force—just like the magnetic and gravitational forces. All of these emanate from God.

I'm sure that you've at least once heard people try to describe the power of God as electricity. Some often feel the Anointing of the Holy Spirit as electric current flowing through their body. This doesn't in any way mean that electricity itself is the actual power of God. It simply reminds us that the power of God is revealed in all creation. Everything is interconnected and flows back to Him.

Romans 1:20 NIV
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

God loves using the symbols of things He created to speak to man—in dreams and in visions—to reveal mysteries to him. He loves using things man can easily understand and relate with—and that includes electricity

Electricity dreams rarely come from the enemy. Although, sometimes they may come as a revelation from God unravelling what the enemy is plotting against the dreamer. 

Some dreams about electricity can be classed under warning dreams from God. Everyone should know that a faulty electrical wiring is like a time bomb waiting to explode. When there are electrical faults resulting in sparks and shocks, then there is clearly a serious problem! 

The following are the possibilities, if you happen to see a dream about electricity:

1. A Warning Concerning Impending Danger

If you saw a dream about electricity (which appeared to carry a negative symbol or feeling), it is likely that this dream is a warning pointing to a sudden, impending danger. But God ensures He reveals these things to us so that they don't seize us by surprise! The dreamer must be careful about their next steps, choices, decisions plans and actions. 

If you have been planning on doing something that is against the instructions and will of God, this is the right time to retrace your steps. It is wise to seek God's counsel and approval before embarking on that new project or trip; or before executing that new plan. Double-check to be sure it is what God wants you to do before doing it. 

2. It Is A Warning About Conflict

Seeing a sparking electricity in a dream is often a warning to the dreamer, about possible and sudden conflicts with people around them. If you saw a dream of sparking electricity in your home, it's less likely to be an actual electric spark that will occur in your waking life. Something is about to happen that could birth a misunderstanding between you and those living around you. So go ahead and pray accordingly! 

3. It Is A Sign Of Imbalance In The Dreamer's Life 

Seeing electrical faults, experiencing electrical shocks and sparks in the dream sometimes confirm what the dreamer is already going through in their waking life. If you've been through series of storms or you've been experiencing many problems in life lately, it is not strange to see such dreams

This is often a sign that the dreamer is surrounded by negative circumstances that bring a feeling of loss of control over important aspects of their life. But remember that God can always restore balance in our lives. 

1 Peter 5:7 BSB
Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

Everyone goes through storms. These storms may sometimes come from the enemy or they may be self-inflicted. But be reminded that we can always run back to God, to give our burdens to Him in order to experience His peace. No matter how deadly our storms are, the Lord can step in and calm them if we give Him the right of way. 

4. Your Words Or Actions Offended An Evil Person

If you saw a dream where you were electrocuted, another possibility is that your words or actions in your waking life irritated an evil person. For this reason, they are either plotting to launch serious spiritual attacks against you, start a conflict with you and try to cause you problems in any way possible. 

Isaiah 8:12 BSB
Do not call conspiracy everything these people regard as conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread.

Remember that you can always bring such people before God and allow God handle them. Always watch against unnecessarily offending people, because by so doing, some have attracted unnecessary spiritual warfare upon themselves. 

Biblical Dream Meaning Of Electricity

There are as well certain dreams of electricity that are filled with God's presence. They rarely carry a negative symbol or feeling. But these dreams rarely come and they don't come to everyone. Anyone should be thankful if they saw such a dream, because they're always very powerful dreams from God. 

A Manifestations Of The Power Of God

There are people who have seen very prophetic dreams involving electricity and electric currents. Such dreams always reveal the manifestion of the power of God. Sometimes, these dreams can be used to communicate to the dreamer that God has Anointed them with power for exploits. 

Acts 10:38 NLT
And you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.

A Christian's prayer point can trigger electricity dreams. For some of you who have been asking God to show you His power or reveal Himself to you in power, you cannot determine how the answer will come. God may decide to respond by showing you a dream, displaying His power as very violent and stormy electric sparks within a given location. Hopefully this doesn't leave you scared, as none of us can really stand the full display of God's power. 

Luke 9:43 ESV
Awe gripped the people as they saw this majestic display of God’s power. While everyone was marveling at everything he was doing. 

If you received such manifestion of God's power in your dream, it is possible that you are powerfully Anointed or God is about to Anoint you with power, so that you can annihilate the works of darkness and advance His kingdom on earth. 

Electric Shock In Dream Meaning

Since many have reportedly dreamed about getting electric shocks in their dreams, for proper understanding on this, we can further narrow down the meaning as follows:

Electric shock dreams often symbolize the following:

  • Accidents
  • Unhappiness
  • Illness
  • Negative circumstances
  • Sorrow and pain, etc. 

Sometimes, electric shock dreams could be a revelation from God alerting the dreamer of the next evil plot the enemy is plotting against them. Always be led to identify which meaning (as explained in this article) applies to you so that you don't pray amiss

The major factor that strikes the balance between negative and positive electricity dreams is whether the dreamer experienced harm in their dream or not. 

  • Were you shocked and harmed by the electricity on your dream? If yes, then that's a danger sign. 
  • Was your home badly impacted by the electric sparks on your dream? If yes, then that's definitely a serious warning dream. 

Prayer Against Electric Shock In Dream

  1. Father, I repent of every decision and plan that I may have made outside of Your leading and will for my life. I ask that You instruct and lead me so that I can be spared negative circumstances, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  2. Father, I ask that You forgive and take away every negative consequence that may arise due to my wrong decisions, words and actions, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  3. Holy Spirit, I ask for Your leading in all that I do; in my plans and decision-making. Let all fall within the will of the Almighty, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  4. Lord, I ask that You annul and take away every sudden trouble and mishap that is about to come my way. I declare that they shall not come to pass, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  5. Father, I ask that You help me as I have decided to walk in total obedience to you, so that I can be safe from problems that stem from disobedience.
  6. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I come against and annul every plot of darkness against my life. They shall not be successfully executed, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  7. The enemy shall not be able to take me by surprise. May every conspiracy of the wicked against my life be destroyed now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  8. I declare that accidents, sorrow and pain is not my portion. Only that which God wills for me shall manifest in my life, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  9. Father, hide and keep me under Your mighty hand, from the innumerable problems and evil of this world, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  10. Because I am Yours Lord, no evil shall befall me. Nothing unpleasant shall suddenly come my way to sweep me off my feet, in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

Final Thoughts On Dreams About Electricity

It's also important to stress that not all dreams about electricity is a prophetic revelation from God. Not all electricity dreams mean that the dreamer will experience a sudden problem in life. Not all of these dreams represent an attack from the enemy. 

It is advisable that the dreamer checks for electrical faults in their home and be sure their electrical wiring and equipments are all in good shape, so that what they saw in the dream doesn't manifest exactly the way it was seen. Also pray against dangers you may encounter in your waking life due to an actual electrical fault. 

Beloved, if this article on the spiritual meaning of electricity in dreams spoke to you, go on and share it with someone else out there.

God bless you. 
Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.