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I have received many messages from my blog readers, asking to know what they could do to break away from the spirit of weariness.
Some of my blog readers have been reaching out to me, asking to know how I got the ability to interpret dreams —and how they also can be able to i…
Spirituality vs religion is a hot topic in many Christian circles. The words  spirituality  and religion  are often interchangeably used,…
There is a widely accepted notion that God doesn't only bless people, but He also punishes them for their wrongdoings. That is why…
It is one thing to pray , and it is another to receive answers to the prayers that we pray. Many Christians today are stuck in the second…
M any trust and boast about their earthly riches, worldly success, and accomplishments. Yet, at some point, most often come to realize th…
T here are many challenges that come with being a Christian . One of those challenges is the struggle against habitual sin . Today, by th…
B rethren, I'm sure you learned something new from our previous teaching on signs you are chosen by God . Today, we will build upon t…