Signs That Show God Is Protecting You Always

God protects us in so many ways and from so many things. Join us today as we learn about signs God is protecting you from the holy scriptures.

Signs God Is Protecting You

Many trust and boast about their earthly riches, worldly success, and accomplishments. Yet, at some point, most often come to realize that without having God's protection, they have nothing. 

For those of us who know how important it is to have God's protection (and how much we need it), today we will learn about those signs that prove God is protecting us.

Psalm 121:1-2 NASB
I will lift my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. 

Since God protects us in so many ways and from so many things, in today's article titled, “Signs God is protecting you,”we will explore some of the following:

  • Signs God is with you
  • Signs God is protecting you from evil 
  • Signs God is protecting you from danger
  • When God warns you about someone
  • Signs God doesn't want you to be with someone 

It is a common thing for people to employ the best security guards to watch over and safeguard their riches and properties. The elites have many escorts and personal bodyguards following them around. The Bible honestly isn't against any of these things, but it calls our attention to a behavior that is common among men: relying on the arm of flesh.

2 Chronicles 32:8 NIV
With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said.

Arm of flesh refers to human strength or aid. Many out there depend on arm of flesh to protect them; they do not have God's protection. The Bible repeatedly warns us about the danger of depending on an arm of flesh—it is likely to fail us! If the devil makes up his mind to rob a rich man of all his riches, his paid security guards would not be able to save such a man from ruin.

What this means is that it is perfectly okay to have extra security from humans, but it is paramount we have heavenly security. Man cannot provide us maximum safety from harm, but God can provide both physical and spiritual security at its best.

What are the signs that God is with you? In so many ways, God proves and affirms to us that He is with us. But most importantly, we must believe that He is always with us. We must have faith in God. Faith is a powerful thing; it is enough to draw God closer to us. 

Signs God Is With You

In more than one occasion, the Lord has promised in His word that He is always with us and will never leave nor forsake us. But we also must watch against self-sufficiency. We must be careful to not act like we don't need God. When God finds self-sufficiency in a man, He steps aside and lets that man run his life. We don't want that to happen to us.

Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

The parable of the rich fool is a powerful one that leaves us many lessons to learn:

Luke 12:16-20 NIV
And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’ “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry."’ “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

One thing that stands out in this parable is that this rich man believed his riches could secure him prosperity and good life. Food was there in abundance, and it is apparent that he had set up proper security against attacks on those barns where he stored his food. Yet, he forgot that he lacked the most vital thing: God's protection. He was too proud of his accomplishments to realise he still needed God.

Man is indeed very predictable. The same scenario still occasionally unfolds today. It is common for people to act the same way the rich fool did—thinking that their money is enough to provide them maximum security and long life. Only when health issues that defy medical treatment arise do they realise how much they need God. This shouldn't be us.

To those who are wise, their safety is in the Lord. When God is with us, assuredly, He will give us riches and go on to safeguard our life and those riches. The Bible says that the blessings of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). I'm yet to know what's better than this.

To be more specific, below are a few signs that God is with us:

1. Salvation Is God Coming In To Be With Us

The call to salvation from God is also God asking to draw close to man.

Revelation 3:20 ESV
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

Salvation isn't just deliverance from hell and eternal damnation, it is also reunion with God through Christ. “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27).

When you got saved, Jesus Christ didn't only come close to you, He came into your life—to permanently live in you. That's beyond what we can call closeness. If you are saved, understand that God is not just with you but also in you—always. There is no reason for a saved person to question whether God is with them or not. 

2. The Anointing Is God In And With Us

It was the promise of the Father in Joel 2:28 that He will pour out His Spirit on everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. This promise from the Father was first fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, and continues being fulfilled till today.

John 14:16 ESV
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever. 

God the Holy Spirit in us is the Almighty God in and upon us in His power. Everyone who is clothed and filled with the Holy Spirit can be sure that they not only have God with them but also in them.

John 14:18 BSB
I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. 

Since the Spirit of God permanently resides in the Believer, there is also no reason for them to question whether or not God is with them. 

3. Angelic Presence Confirms God Is With Us

The Bible lets us know that the angels of God encamp around those who fear Him. Since God's angels carry God's presence, angelic presence around us is literally God's presence with us.

Psalm 34:7 NKJV
The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.

If we have Heaven's angels living with and watching over us, then we are in a good place; we have God with us.

Psalm 91:11 BSB
For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

I'll advise everyone reading this to treat these three points raised here as fundamental. In order to be certain that God is with you, then you must be saved; you must be filled with the Holy Spirit and you must live in obedience to God—because according to Psalm 34:7, it is obedience that attracts angelic presence.

Signs God Is Protecting You From Evil

In so many ways God protects us from evil—although some of these ways are not always conspicuous to us. But be rest assured that, as a genuine Christian, God takes responsibility for your protection.

1. When God Denies You Opportunity To Sin

Imagine a scenario where a two year-old baby plays near an ant hill, but the parents notices in time and takes the child away from that location. 

To the child, it is fun to play near the ant hill—not knowing the dangers involved. We can say the same about many Christians. Sin often looks appealing but God knows how deadly it is, and sometimes, He will by Himself step in to prevent us from sinning. 

Jude 1:24 KJV
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. 

There are people who God has intentionally restricted their access to certain sins. Even when they make an attempt to commit a sin that appeals to them, God wouldn't let them have the opportunity to do so. I know this might sound a bit strange to some of you reading this, but I also know that there are a few who can relate with this. 

1 John 5:18 NKJV
We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.

Because sin opens doors for the enemy to gain access and launch deadly attacks against a Christian, most times, instead of God directly protecting us from the enemy, He would rather protect us from committing sin; thereby locking the enemy out of our life. 

What then should be the Christian's response in such a situation? Knowing that sin is the enemy's bait, whenever you notice that God is restraining you from sinning, simply align with Him and restrain yourself as well. If you force your way through and break out of God's protective cover against evil, you might end up exposing yourself to an attack from the enemy that you may never recover from. 

2. Through Dreams That Reveal The Plots Of The Enemy

Since God has promised His sons and daughters that no evil will befall them (Psalm 91:10), and no weapon fashioned against them shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17), He goes on to make sure it is so by revealing the plots of the enemy even before they manifest. 

The evil conspiracies of darkness against the people of God are hidden by default; as no hunter would set a trap and leave it exposed in the sight of the prey. It is God the Holy Spirit who specialises in unveiling the hidden works of darkness—so that the child of God is not without knowledge. This alone is a powerful way God protects us from evil. 

Take for instance, God shows you a dream of getting robbed. And it happens that the enemy is actually plotting to perpetrate this evil against you using a group of armed robbers. Because it is revealed, you can be sure that God is on it. When you pray, the plot of the enemy is completely destroyed. It becomes apparent that God just protected you from a deadly evil. 

Signs God Is Protecting You From Danger

Most times when people almost get in trouble, they count themselves “lucky” that they didn't. But to Christians, we should know that there is no luck when it comes to escape from danger. Without God's protection, we would had long been destroyed. 

Have you ever crossed the road, didn't notice a vehicle was approaching and almost got hit, and you were like.. “Oops, that was close?” In such a scenario, every sane Christian would see God's mighty hand protecting them from danger. 

Severally, we've escaped getting poisoned by evil people. Most of us have escaped many ghastly road accidents. It is not because we're just lucky or too smart that we always squeeze our way out of getting hit by something bad. It is because God protects us from danger. 

Psalm 121:7 NIV
The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.

We must learn to recognise and acknowledge God's outstretched hand of protection upon us, and ascribe to Him the glory due Him. 

Signs God is Protecting You From A Bad Relationship

While being in a good relationship can bring about a person's transformation and progress, on the other hand, a bad relationship is like the chains of darkness which holds down a person from making progress in life and becoming who God destined them to be. 

The good news is that God will not fold arms and watch His beloved son or daughter get drowned in a toxic relationship. He is always swift to deliver His own out of relationships that have the tendency of destroying them. 

Below are 5 signs God is protecting you from a bad relationship: 

1. God Will Sometimes End A Relationship For Your Protection 

If you are in a relationship that is fast draining life out of you, even when you find it difficult to quit that relationship, be rest assured that God will initiate the separation faster than you expect. 

As a Christian, you must be sensitive to what God is doing in your life in each season. If God delivers you out of a toxic relationship, don't try to put back together what God has split apart. You would be doing yourself more harm than good by attempting to rebuild what God has destroyed. 

So many people out there find themselves going through the same cycle of bad experiences from being in a bad relationship, simply because they're emotionally attached to a person and have a hard time letting go. Understand that emotions don't dictate the will of God. It is best to stay out of any relationship God pulls you out of. It's not that difficult. 

2. They Wouldn't Accept Your Proposal

Sometimes it happens that after people have been friends with someone of the opposite gender for some time, they want to take the relationship to the next stage by proposing to them. Unfortunately, some keep pestering a person to accept their proposal after being rejected so many times. What if God is protecting you from something you don't know? 

Even at the stage of asking them out, if they keep on rejecting you, it's safer to accept it in good fate and let them be. You have no idea what God might be protecting you from. 

3. They Always Break Up And Want Out 

If you're in a relationship with someone who always breaks up and wants to be free from you, it's clear you are in a bad relationship. Even when they see you as the problem that they must get rid of, understand that God might also be working behind the scenes to spare you a future you wouldn't want to have with that person. 

If they keep pressuring to be out of your life each time there is a misunderstanding, don't hold them back either. Accept God's protection from the bad relationship and move on! 

4. When Their Lies Keep Getting Exposed

Being in a relationship with someone who isn't truthful is a huge red light. If that person tells you one thing but you keep catching them red-handed doing the opposite of what they told you, it is clearly a bad relationship that you need deliverance from. If their lies keep getting exposed and laid bare before you, God is intentionally letting that happen so that you understand the kind of person you're dealing with. Understand when God is protecting you from a bad relationship and step out for your own good! 

5. The Relationship Lacks Agreement And Peace

Think of marriage as a cart that is meant to be pulled by two horses. First of all, the two horses must be equally yoked together. It has to be team work. But without agreement, there can't be team work. Two horses pulling apart from each other will crash the cart. 

Amos 3:3 NIV
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?

If a relationship lacks agreement, it's definitely going to lack peace. These are two red lights that shouldn't be ignored. Agreement and peace are two essential and irreplaceable components of every good relationship. If a relationship lacks these two, it's clearly a bad one that shouldn't exist. If God lets you see these red lights in a relationship, it's apparent He's trying to protect you from something even worse in future. 

Signs God Is Protecting You From A Bad Friendship

Bad friendship doesn't only corrupt good morals. Being friends with the wrong person can prevent one from walking in their destiny. It can go on to lead to destruction. If we pay attention, God will always show us signs that we are in a bad friendship. 

Notice these signs:

  1. Your friend has interests that are the direct opposite of what God approves of in His Word. 
  2. Your friend mocks and playfully taunts your relationship with God. 
  3. Your friend constantly gives you advice that you know would get you in trouble if you acted on them. 
  4. You occasionally notice signs of envy, jealousy and competition from your friend. 
  5. Your friend talks bad about you behind your back. 

These are just to mention but a few. If you notice these signs in your connection with someone you see as a friend, it might just be the right time you end that friendship before it hinders and destroys you! 

Final Thoughts On Signs God Is Protecting You

Beloved, I believe you learned something new from today's teaching on “signs God is protecting you.” 

If you are noticing or experiencing any of the signs mentioned in this article, I advise you to treat it seriously and take the necessary action. Then wait and watch for the result.

If you were blessed reading this article, go on and share with someone else out there. 

God bless you! 
Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.