Quotes By Godssword Edet

Christian Quotes
Okay friends, so I decided to save the quotes the Lord gives me in this section of our website. I will occasionally update the list as I'm enabled to. I hope they serve as a source of motivation and you'll be blessed reading. If you're copying, remember to give proper credit and link back to this page.

Unwillingness to pray is the real manifestation of Pride. - Godssword Edet

Your daily activities have tremendous impact on your destiny. Be intentional! - Godssword Edet

Everything God gives must be sustained by prayer. Except you want the enemy to rob you of it, then don't pray. - Godssword Edet

One major weapon of the spiritual man against the enemy is holiness. Lose this and you might not survive a strike from the enemy. - Godssword Edet
You're either spiritual or religious. Religiosity is toxic. - Godssword Edet
Don't try twice and give up, with the excuse that it doesn't work. The fact that it's difficult doesn't always mean it's impossible. - Godssword Edet
Working hard outside of God's purpose and will for one's life still brings failure and frustration. It's either we obey God or keep learning the hard way. - Godssword Edet
By trying to be like someone else, you delay the manifestion of your own destiny. It's better to focus on discovering and working on your purpose. - Godssword Edet
Leaning on God isn't something to be used only in times of trouble. It should be the active posture of every true child of God. - Godssword Edet
Make efforts to program your children according to God's principles before the society programs them for you. - Godssword Edet
Always remember that one major thing you owe God and those He sent you to serve is Excellence. Do not compromise on this. - Godssword Edet
After believing in God, also believe in yourself. You'll need self-confidence to become who God destined you to be. - Godssword Edet
Becoming a spiritual giant doesn't happen by chance or luck. It's the result of a carefully-calculated strategy and consistent effort to grow in Christ. - Godssword Edet
Less distraction equals greater productivity. Abilities need serenity to function optimally. - Godssword Edet
We have to get used to the fact that people are not going to become unfortunate or suffer because we don't like them. Man's hate doesn't prevent anyone from becoming who God destined them to be. - Godssword Edet 
There will always be people desperately looking for the slightest opportunity to put you down. Learn to be your own motivation. Focus! - Godssword Edet
The Bible never said that people have to be perfect before they can be honest. Imperfection is not enough excuse for dishonesty. - Godssword Edet
The Christian's joy isn't the absence of problems. It is the presence of God's peace. - Godssword Edet
My standards are seen as “too high” only by those who hate Godly standards; and I'm not going to lower them to accommodate anyone. - Godssword Edet
You motivate even those who don't like you. Although they pretend not to see you, they do wish they or those they like could do the things you are doing. - Godssword Edet
The state of your relationship with your spouse is a reflection of your relationship with God. That is something no one can fake. - Godssword Edet 
Yes, the gate is narrow and the path is difficult. God's path wasn't meant to be treaded in the Flesh. When you are full of the Spirit, the difficult becomes easy. - Godssword Edet
Look up to the One who brings you connections, not your connections. Only God is dependable. - Godssword Edet
If it has been laid in your heart to do it for some time now, just go ahead and do it! It is part of your yielding. Obeying the little promptings of the Holy Spirit brings you into a deeper level of submission to God and hearing Him with more clarity. - Godssword Edet
Those who refuse to learn lessons God wants them to learn at the right time often end up learning the hard way. - Godssword Edet
The word of God as a cleansing and transforming agent, works only on those who are flexible in God's hands—those who tremble at His Word (Isaiah 66:5). If God's word irritates you, then you're not ready for change. - Godssword Edet
If you are disobedient to God, you have every right to be afraid of tomorrow. - Godssword Edet
The silent thoughts on your mind resound in God's ears as your audible voice. Keep your mind pure. - Godssword Edet
Except a man walks in total obedience to God, he can't walk in the fullness of all that God has in store for him. - Godssword Edet
Wait on Him in quietness and trust. In the stillness of His Presence, you shall find peace that abates your storm. - Godssword Edet
What is required of a Christian spouse is what the scriptures require of them. God has never required from anyone what is bigger or harder than what is in His Word. - Godssword Edet
Showing remorse for our wrongdoings is great but not enough. Determination to change should follow genuine repentance. No one becomes who God destined them to be by spending their lifetime repeatedly asking for forgiveness over things God wants them to overcome. - Godssword Edet
Crucifying the Flesh is easy. Simply yield to the Holy Spirit, fix your mind on God and ignore the biddings of the Flesh. - Godssword Edet
If you can easily be manipulated by other people against your spouse, you're an open door for Satan's attacks against your marriage. - Godssword Edet
Activity isn't a proof of spiritual vibrancy. God does not recommend anyone works for Him till they get blunt and fall out of connection with Him. If Jesus were to choose between service to Him and communion with Him, He would always opt for the latter. - Godssword Edet
A man's mind determines a man's life. If you want to live right, learn to think right. Only a Christian who thinks Godly thoughts can live a life that pleases God. - Godssword Edet
The peace that transcends all understanding is for those who have learned to offload their burdens at Jesus' feet. - Godssword Edet
Christianity was meant to be served red-hot. Don't try to cool it down. Don't water it down! - Godssword Edet
Be sure you're not rooting for man more than you're rooting for Jesus. No matter how Anointed they are or how much you like them, no man deserves to take the place of God in your heart. - Godssword Edet 
Before saying they love people's praises, double-check your heart to be sure you're not envious of their achievements. - Godssword Edet
Spiritual gifts do not function optimally in a state of carnality. Spiritual gifts are for spiritual people. As much as you desire to move in the things of the Spirit, also desire to stay spiritual at all times. - Godssword Edet
We should be obsessed with Jesus, not men of God. - Godssword Edet
If you can focus on Jesus instead of the problems surrounding you, He can handle all the problems surrounding you. - Godssword Edet
Knowing that there's no good in us except sin and rebellion, our daily prayer should be that the Lord helps us get rid of Self and fill us with Himself. More of Him, less of us. - Godssword Edet 
There's a blessing that comes with praying for others, which is missed by those who only pray for themselves. - Godssword Edet
It is very dangerous for anyone to fall within these two categories: those who think every preacher is a false preacher, and those who endorse every preacher as a genuine minister of the Gospel. - Godssword Edet
In order to stay relevant in the kingdom, you must stay Anointed. Money and “packaging” won't replace the Anointing. - Godssword Edet
Time spent with God is time best spent. - Godssword Edet
If your sermons are not shaking people out of lukewarmness, they're rocking them to sleep. - Godssword Edet
The secret place is the backbone of every successful ministry. It is your source from where you draw strength. - Godssword Edet

If the Anointed must sustain the Anointing, he must treat sin as his enemy, not his daily bread. - Godssword Edet

A mad-rush after any form of success that is against God's word is a fast track to Hell. - Godssword Edet