Dreaming That Someone Tried To Poison You Biblical Meaning
If you have seen a dream of someone trying to poison you or someone poisoning you in the dream, get the interpretation and prayers in this article.
One of the dreams that often leaves the dreamer perplexed and with many questions, is a dream of being poisoned. It is one of those dreams that should be treated seriously.
Seeing that someone tried poisoning you in a dream clearly isn't something to take lightly. The dreamer should always pay careful attention to such dreams, because they always come with a message that could jeopardise their life if ignored.
If you woke up from a dream of being poisoned, that's likely the reason why you've searched and found this article. Just as the Spirit of God led you here, also trust Him to provide the meaning and solution for this dream through this article.
A dream of being poisoned is apparently not a good omen; it's a spiritual attack from the kingdom of darkness. But sometimes these dreams may also show up as a warning from God—exposing the plots of the wicked one and alerting us of potential [and avoidable] danger.

If you have been seeing such a dream, my advice is that you take heed and be very cautious in the way you live life, and in your dealings with people around you.
God warns us timely enough so that we can take the right actions just in time to save ourselves from danger. Don't take God's warning for granted—be it through a dream, a sermon or a prophecy. Never delay to take the right steps concerning a warning dream that you have been shown.
The Bible tells us that our adversary the devil, prowls like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The enemy carries out this savage assignment through various means. But because you belong God, you shall not be the next prey to be consumed by the devil, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
Spiritual Dream Meaning Of Someone Poisoning You
The moment you begin to see dreams of someone poisoning you, know that there is a deadly and ongoing attack of darkness against your life. Their goal is to destroy you—spiritually, and then physically.
But the Lord says, “be not afraid for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). Every device of darkness against your life shall fall to the ground like the pack of lies that they are! In the Name of Jesus Christ!
A dream of someone poisoning you may either be a direct attack from the enemy or a spiritual attack through a human agent of darkness.
The kingdom of darkness attempts to poison people in their dreams with the aim of achieving the following:
1. Harming Or Weakening Their Soul
Because other attacks to harm that individual may have been failing, they'll want to weaken them spiritually, so as to increase the success rate of other attacks on that individual.
2. Causing Them Physical Health Problems
Sometimes dream poisoning is meant to cause the dreamer physical health problems that could not be diagnosed or treated, eventually resulting in their physical death.
Eating in the dream itself is a form of spiritual poisoning, but sometimes God will expose such attacks as dreams of someone trying to poison you.
If there is a particular person you keep seeing in your dreams trying to poison you, pay attention! God has exposed their secret evil works against your life. They are an agent of darkness taking instructions from the devil to harm you. Be prayerful and be wise in your dealings with them!
When you dream of someone you know repeatedly attempting to poison you, it is true that they have tried several other means to harm you but to no avail.
No matter how close they may be or how loving they act towards you in waking life, they are your enemy is disguise. Whether they are a co-worker, a friend or family member, mark them and do what is required to protect yourself!
Seeing Someone Poison You In A Dream Biblical Meaning
Whether someone is giving you food to eat in dreams or poisoning your food or drinks in the dream, you have to be shrewd in your relationship with that person in waking life.
Several food poisoning that actually happened in waking life and took the life of the target, could have easily been avoided if the individual saw it coming (through a dream) and took necessary steps to avert it.
If you're living in the same apartment with such people, do your best to keep everything you eat far from their reach, and do not eat from them.
I know that the common notion is that our real enemy is the devil, but he also uses people around and close to us to attack us. Let's be mindful of this fact!
When you repeatedly see a particular person trying to poison you in your dreams, that is one person who is assigned by the kingdom of darkness to terminate you. The solution in this scenario isn't being afraid but being prayerful, knowing that God is for you and with you. Nothing and no one can harm you at will.
Mark 16:18 NLTThey will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.
It is your responsibility to reject food in dreams, including food that you were aware they've been poisoned.
But if you were manipulated into eating the poisoned food in your dream, on waking up you have to pray ruggedly to annul the effects of that dream. It is not advisable to ignore such dreams and go about your day, assuming that nothing will happen to you.
Dreaming of Someone Being Poisoned
If you saw a dream of someone you know or a loved one being poisoned, first of all, you should pray God's protection upon that person.
Secondly, it is advisable to share the dream with them. Caution them to be careful with those around them and how they go around eating with people.
Tell them to be prayerful, because the enemy has them on his radar and he's working hard to destroy them.
Prayer Against Dreams Of Being Poisoned
- Heavenly Father, I declare Your word upon my life, that no weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper!
- Every arrow of the wicked released against my life in form of dream poisoning, I command you to backfire now! In the Name of Jesus Christ!.
- By the power of God, I break the hands of every agent of darkness attempting to poison me in my dreams. In the Name of Jesus Christ!
- I command every effect of poisoning in my dreams to be destroyed now! In the Name of Jesus Christ!
- By the power of the Almighty, I disrupt every ongoing plot of darkness to ruin my life!
- From now henceforth, every attempt of the enemy to execute wickedness against me shall prove abortive!
- Every evil conspiracy of darkness against my life is thereby aborted now!
- I receive power to attack every attacker in my dreams and resist being poisoned! In the Name of Jesus Christ!
- Holy Spirit of God, reveal, expose and frustrate the plans of every evil person against my life!
- From now henceforth, I shall have dominion over every dream attacker, in the Name of Jesus Christ!
Final Thoughts On Dreams Of Someone Trying To Poison You
If you have been seeing dreams of someone trying to poison you, count them as a blessing in disguise. I say this because there are people who actually get poisoned by their closest friends and relatives, without seeing a sign prior to that poisoning.
Right from when the thought was first conceived, through the planning and execution of an actual event of poisoning, most people never saw a thing. But God loves you, that is why He reveals to you the hidden works of the enemy against your life. So count yourself blessed.
Always act swiftly to take advantage of this sort of dreams. Instead of being afraid and starting to imagine what could possibly happen to you, start praying—rebuking the enemy and cancelling his works.
Remember, God is for you. He will always answer and move by His power to destroy what the enemy is working against you, when you call upon Him.
Beloved, if this dream interpretation resonated with you, go on and share this article with someone else out there.
Remain in Christ. Stay blessed!