What Is The Biblical Meaning Of Snakes In A Dream?

Many have been searching for the meaning of snakes in dreams. So we bring you the biblical meaning of snakes in dreams in this article.
Snake dreams happen to be among the frightening dreams people see daily. Except you're a lover of snakes in waking life, seeing snakes in your dream will often come with an uneasy feeling. 

Even if you love and keep snakes as pets in your waking life, I wouldn't advise you see snakes as your pets, when you dream about them. 

Ever seen a snake in the dream? Or do you have recurring dreams about snakes? If your answer is yes, I trust that you're in the right spot on the web, to learn the meaning of your dream. Join us today as we explore the biblical meaning of snakes in dreams

If you woke up out of a dream of snakes and found this article, the Spirit of God led you here. I believe that He'll speak to you and provide you the needed solution to such dreams today. In Jesus Name!

Dreams about snakes appear to both Christians and non-Christians. Very many people have reportedly seen snakes in their dreams—and most times—these dreams happen to be recurring and disturbing. 

Since different people see different kinds of snake dreams, by the help of the Holy Spirit, we will touch on some of the following in this dream interpretation article:

  • Lots of snakes in dreams meaning
  • Snake bite in dream meaning
  • Is it good to dream about snakes?
  • Being chased by a snake in a dream
  • Dream about snakes in house
  • Black snake dream meaning
  • Dead snake dream meaning

If you saw a snake in your dream, you may have become scared and confused concerning what is going on in your life. But I can assure you that, there is no need to fret. Whatever plot the enemy has against you through snake dreams, it is thwarted today, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 

What does dreaming about snakes mean in Christianity? If you go through the holy scriptures, you'll discover that snakes are not portrayed in a good light. The symbol of snakes in dreams often represent the devil or evil. 

It is not unusual that, most of the snake dreams people see often produce a eerie feeling. It is not a mistake to sense this feeling, because seeing snakes in dreams is rarely a good omen. 

What Is The Biblical Meaning Of Snakes In A Dream?

For those of you who may be expecting a fortunate interpretation about snake dreams, understand that we only provide dream interpretations based on the leading and revelation of the Holy Spirit, and according to the holy Bible.

That said, the major positive interpretation of snake in dreams you may read from our blog, is a dream of killing snakes. There is no fortunate dream interpretation of snakes.

Snake dreams can come as a revelation from God, exposing the works of the enemy. Dreams of snakes can as well manifest as direct attacks of the enemy against the dreamer.

Meaning Of Dream About Snake

We are told in the book of Genesis that, after God created all that He created, “He saw that they were good.” God originally made nothing on earth to be evil. 

Genesis 1:31 NIV
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day. 

God created everything to be good—including snakes and every other wild animal that had existed. 

In the physical realm, like every other animal God created, snakes are innocent creatures. But when it comes to the spiritual, the symbol of a snake often represents something not too good; it is often attributed to darkness and evil. This is due to certain factors which you will point out as we progress with this dream interpretation.

Snakes can harm, as well as dogs, lions and bees. Most animals are naturally harmful, but that doesn't make them evil. In the physical realm, no animal is evil. The difference is that, some of these animals represent something negative spiritually. 

One remarkable thing about snakes is that they are very wise and shrewd; way wiser than many other animals in existence. Even to the extent that the Lord Jesus validated their wisdom, by advising that we be “as wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” 

Matthew 10:16 NIV
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 

What transpired in the garden of Eden between Eve, Satan and the serpent were all spiritual. Out of the desire and desperation of the enemy to deceive Eve, he had to possess the body of the serpent, to harness its wisdom for his evil intent. 

Genesis 3:1
Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?”

It was from thence henceforth, that the symbol of the serpent started being used to represent Satan, demons and evil

Spiritual Meaning Of Snakes In Dreams

What does the Bible say about snakes? Christianity is spiritual, and the Bible itself is a spiritual book. You will find on several occasions in scriptures where snakes are attributed to evil. We can safely apply the same rule to the meaning of snakes in dreams

1. The Devil As A Serpent

In the holy scriptures, God Himself declared the enemy as “an ancient serpent”—a cunning and evil serpent. 

Revelation 20:2 NIV
He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 
Revelation 12:9 KJV
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Concerning the spiritual meaning of snakes in dreams, I'll say that seeing snakes in the dream sometimes confirms Satanic presence and activities; and sometimes, ongoing Satanic attack against the dreamer

Luke 10:19 KJV
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

But let's be reminded that the Almighty God has given us authority and power over Satan and his works against us. 

2. Snake In Dreams Represent Demons

If you happen to see different sizes of snakes in a particular location in your dreams, in most cases, what you are seeing is the presence of evil spirits. 

If you keep dreaming and seeing snakes in a given location that you know in your waking life, such a dream is God revealing to you the activities of demons in that particular region. 

You have to be led by the Holy Spirit and instructions of the Lord, to know what you are expected to do about this dream. 

Apart from that, understand that God is letting you see what many people aren't seeing about this location in your dream, so that you will be extra careful. 

There are also people who repeatedly see big snakes in their village, their home town or family compounds. Such dreams often reveal that there are foundational evil powers in operation against these individuals. 

These powers are often demons, idols and evil altars working against the dreamer and other innocent members of the family. I'll recommend you read this article on Prayer Against Evil Foundation.

3. Snakes In Dreams Can Represent Evil People

Snakes in dreams sometimes represent evil people. If you see snakes all around you in dreams, trying to crawl up on you or chasing to bite you, it may simply mean that you live among evil people who act like they love you and try to be close to you, but only so they can harm you. 

Evil people in this case, include witches and warlocks. You'll find these people in workplaces, in your neighborhood and even in the church. 

If the Spirit of God leads you to understand that the snakes you often see in your dreams represent people who do not wish you well, it may be that you have been too free around people. You need to start being cautious in your dealings with people in your circle. 

Most importantly, be careful who you eat with and accept food from. Be careful who you tell your secrets to. It is obvious that they are only acting nice in your face, but they have something sinister against you. 

Biblical Meaning Of Black Snakes In Dreams

What is the biblical meaning of snakes in dreams? Snake dreams will always symbolize evil and demonic activities. These dreams should never be treated with levity. 

Snake dreams, if not ruggedly prayed against, could bring badluck, frustration, stagnation and setbacks in the dreamer's waking life. The presence of evil brings nothing good.

Dreaming about snakes often speaks of the presence of demons, witches and warlocks. Such dreams also sometimes point to their activities against the dreamer. When one sees snakes in their dreams, this means that the enemy and his cohorts are out and working evil against them. 

In every snake dream one sees, it is important to notice the particular location where the dreamer saw the snake in their dream. If it is a physical location (say a home or workplace) that you know, this points to demonic presence and activities of darkness within that location. 

If you occasionally dream about snakes in your family home where you grew up, understand that there are evil family altars run by demons and serviced by evil human priests in that family. You have to be very prayerful in order to rise above and be victorious over their works. 

Take note of these;

  • Big snakes in dreams often symbolize high-ranking demons or occultists.
  • Seeing black snakes in dreams further confirms the presence of evil spirits or high-ranking human agents of darkness working against the dreamer. 

The colour of snakes in dreams still do not determine which represents good and which represents evil. Whatever the colour may be, the moment a snake appears in your dream, it comes with an evil assignment. The manifestation of snakes in dreams don't represent something good. 

Getting Attacked By Snakes In Dreams

What does it mean to dream about snakes attacking you? If you saw a snake attacking you in the dream, this is often the sign of a direct and serious spiritual attack from the kingdom of darkness against you. Do not treat such dreams lightly. 

A dream of getting attacked by a snake is often a sign that there are agents of darkness assigned to harm the dreamer by all means. The effects of getting attacked by a snake in the dream could be very disastrous, if such dreams are not prayed against.

If you see snakes attacking someone you know in the dream, you need to pray for this person. Because your dream is a revelation from God, showing you that the enemy is fighting to harm this person. 

Seeing Many Snakes In Dreams

If you frequently find yourself surrounded by many snakes in dreams or you always find many snakes around where you are in dreams, this means that there are very evil people around you or within your circle. 

These people laugh and play with you in the open, but are secretly working against you. Like snakes, they lurk and wait for the slightest opportunity to strike. You should be extremely careful with them, be watchful and prayerful. 

Dreaming About Snakes In Your Home 

Seeing snakes in your home in dreams often reveals either impending or already launched spiritual attack against you. 

The presence of the snakes in a home also symbolizes demonic presence. Agents of darkness have been assigned and released against the dreamer. 

In most cases, it is that the evil spirits assigned against the dreamer are hanging around their home and waiting for the best opportunity to launch attacks and harm the dreamer. 

In such a scenario, home deliverance and sanctification is recommended. If you saw this dream, you should fast and pray, then anoint your home. You can also invite a Spirit-filled servant of God to come pray and consecrate your home. 

Biblical Meaning Of Killing A Snake In A Dream

If you saw yourself killing a snake in a dream, this means that agents of darkness were assigned against you, but the Lord has given you victory. 

Victory over the demons, witches and warlocks assigned against a Christian often manifests as dreams of killing snakes. We have written a separate article to better explain the Biblical meaning of killing snakes in dreams

As I earlier said, this tends to be the only positive side of snake dreams. 

Dreams of killing snakes will often come to Christians who are very prayerful, and those who always confront the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare and midnight prayers

Prayers Against Snake Dreams

  1. Thank you Father for the authority, dominion and power You have given me over Satan, his minions and activities. 
  2. Thank you Holy Spirit for Your ever-present power which is made available to me, for the destruction of the works of darkness. 
  3. By the authority of Jesus Christ, I come against and destroy every activity of the serpent spirit in my dream life in the Mighty Jesus Christ!
  4. By the power of God, I subdue every evil spirit assigned against me, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  5. Fire of God, locate and consume every serpent spirit operation launched against me, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  6. Migty Angels of God, locate and arrest every agent of darkness loitering around my home and vicinity, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  7. By the power of God, I frustrate and destroy every power of darkness assigned to destroy me, in the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  8. I exercise my authority in Christ and take dominion over every activities of evil people around me. I declare that they shall not be successfully executed. In the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  9. By the power of God, I bring every demonic activity in my foundation under my feet. They shall not have any effect over my life. In the Name of Jesus Christ! 
  10. Thank You Lord for the victory you have given me over dreams of snakes. 

For more prayers, see Prayers Against Snake Dreams.

Final Thoughts On Biblical Meaning Of Snakes In Dreams

Snake symbols have been used by Satanists, witches, magicians, warlocks and different religions around the world to represent exactly what they worship. 

The Bible has also given us clues on what snakes represents. Starting from the book of Genesis, we have seen that the enemy took the form of a snake to initiate the fall of man. 

So, is it good to dream about snakes? I'll say that, except you are killing the snakes in your dreams, no snake dream is a good omen. 

Beloved, I trust that this article helped you understand the biblical meaning of snakes in dreams. 

If you don't seem to find the exact interpretation for your dream in this article, feel free to use the WhatsApp button to send me a private message. 

God bless you. 

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About the Author

Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.
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