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Biblical Meaning Of White Lion In Dreams

One of the most dreaded dreams that some people see is a dream about lions. If you saw this dream and have been searching for the accur…

Biblical Meaning Of Wolves In Dreams

I may not know how many of you reading this have once seen a wolf in your dream. But there is the possibility that if you found this art…

Spiritual Meaning Of Electric Shock Dream

Dreams come to us in various forms. Sometimes they come unexpectedly, and some other times, they could throw us off balance. One of the d…

How To Pray With Candles And Water

T here's been many requests sent me by many Christians, seeking to know how to pray with candles and water. If you're one of them…

Prayers For Wisdom And Discernment

I f you take a closer look at the state of the end time church; all that is happening in different denominations today and things that…

10 Warning Dreams From God

God communicates with most Christians today through their dreams . He sends us instructions, guidance, warnings and revelations of what He i…
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