What Does It Mean To See POS Machine and ATM Card In The Dream
Did you see a dream of losing your ATM Card or a strange dream of ATM card and POS machine? Let's learn about their meaning in this dream article.
Some of the modern symbols that many have been seeing in their dreams include POS machines, ATMs and bank cards. Today, we're going to talk about what it means to see a POS machine and ATM (debit) cards in dreams.
A POS (Point of Sale) machine is an electronic device mostly used by businesses to accept payments from their clients. This device allows customers to pay their merchants for goods and services using their debit cards, credit cards or other means of payments.
An ATM (Automated Teller Machine) card is a plastic card issued by a banking institutions to their customers; it's often linked to the customers' accounts and allows them perform financial transactions. ATM cards can be used at ATMs for banking transactions, but can as well function as debit cards for online purchases or with POS machines.
As we already know it, both the POS machine and ATM cards exist for financial transactions. So if a person happens to dream about these two things, such dreams will often be revelations concerning their finances.

Recently, people have been seeing diverse kinds of dreams involving POS machines and their personal bank cards (especially debit cards). Let us trust the Spirit of God to grant us revelation, as we explore the meaning of these dreams in this article.
A dream of seeing POS machines and ATM cards can either be a good or bad omen; it can either represent a blessing, a setback or an attack against the dreamer's finances. The meaning will often depend on the symbols or activities within such a dream.
For instance, if God is about to bless or prosper a person financially, they might see it first as a positive dream of Atm cards. But there are also cases where people see bad dreams about their bank cards—and they're often an indication of an attack the enemy is launching against their finances.
Proverbs 26:24-26 (NIV)Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts, they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
I'll also like to point out that, from my experience in dream interpretation, these dreams in general are not very common. Not many people have reached out to me trying to understand the meaning of their POS or ATM card dreams. But concerning those who have seen such dreams—and those who will see them in the future—this article is written for your benefit. Make the most out of it.
Spiritual Meaning Of ATM Cards In Dreams
Most of the dreams people see about bank cards often have to do with their personal bank cards, not those of someone else. That said, a dream of ATM cards will often reveal something very important about the dreamer’s finances. It is totally unwise to treat such dreams lightly.
Take note of what happened to the ATM card you saw in your dreams.
- Did someone or your bank issue you a new credit or debit card in the dream?
- Did someone steal your bank card in a dream?
- Did you dream about misplacing your ATM card?
- Did you see a dream of recovering your lost credit or debit card?
All these dreams reveal why the dreamer’s finances is in its present condition. They as well can sometimes reveal a coming financial breakthrough, or evidence that the dreamer’s finances are under attack.
When you dream about your atm card, firstly, you should discover the spiritual significance of your dream and get the right instructions or leading of the Holy Spirit, on how to go about praying concerning your dream.
Never ignore your atm card dreams—not even from the mindset that nothing will happen—because such dreams often pose substantial effects on the dreamer’s finances in waking life.
Dream Of Your ATM Card Being Stolen
There are people who occasionally see their atm cards being stolen by a robber or thief in the dream. They are often people whose finances are already under serious attack.
What you're seeing in such dreams are spiritual robbers unleashed from the kingdom of darkness against your finances. It gets worse if they often ignore such dreams or similar ones and go about their day.
Proverbs 6:30-31 (NIV)People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.
God reveals such dreams to us with the intent of bringing to our knowledge that the enemy is attacking our finances. In turn, He expects us to pray to seize back back what has been stolen from us, and strike the enemy off our finances.
Dream Of Losing Your ATM Card
A dream of losing your atm card is symbolic of financial loss in waking life. This financial loss would rarely happen out of carelessness, but due to the manipulation of the enemy. It is apparent that this is also a form of spiritual attack against the dreamer’s finances.
When a person dreams of losing their atm card, it is often an indication that their finances have been tied down spiritually, or there is a spiritual manipulation purposed to make them lose money mysteriously or through a scam.
This is clearly not a dream to shrug off. Pray ruggedly to cancel the evil wishes, plans and works of the enemy against your finances.
Always see such dreams as the Lord revealing to you the manipulations of the enemy against your finances. Then proceed to pray for recovery.
Dream Of Broken ATM Card
A dream of your ATM Card appearing broken is an aggressive attack of the enemy against your finances. This dream is an indication that the enemy is jealous of your financial blessing and is angry that you have money.
The enemy always wishes we experience the direct opposite of the good life God wants for us, so when He sees the goodness of God begin to manifest in our life, he gets angry and attacks with aggression.
But don't be afraid. No one ain't mad but the devil. Pray and roar at him to get his hands off your finances. So long the devil didn't give any money, he has no right to hate and seize it from you.
Isaiah 61:7 (NIV)Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
And God? He will give you even more to shame the devil!
Dream Of Finding Your Lost ATM Card
When you find your lost atm card in a dream, it is always indication of financial recovery. In most cases, the dreamer must have been praying and cancelling the manipulations of the enemy against their finances. Then this dream shows up as a confirmation that their prayers have achieved their purpose. There is spiritual recovery happening in the unseen realm.
Thank God and continue praying to fully recover and protect your finances from the enemy.
Spiritual Meaning Of POS Machine In Dreams
Like I earlier explained in the beginning of this article, a POS machine is used by merchants or business owners for receiving payments for their goods or services rendered to their customers.
POS machines serve as a medium for initiating debit transactions from clients bank cards. In other words, POS machines exist for the major purpose of taking money out of people's bank accounts using their cards.
If you find a POS machine that doesn't belong to you hidden somewhere around you, your property, your home, your office, or your business in a dream, that is a powerful revelation you shouldn't handle with levity. God is showing you that someone or the enemy has been secretly siphoning your finances through spiritual manipulation.
Thank God for such a revelation, pray for more exposure of the hidden works of the wicked against your life. Pray for recovery!
Prayers Against Stolen ATM Card And Evil POS Machine In Dreams
- Heavenly Father, thank You for exposing the works of darkness and bringing to my knowledge what the enemy has been doing in secret against my life.
- Father, the money I have is one of your blessings in my life. The enemy never gave it to me and has no legal right to take it from me.
- Heavenly Father, arise and rebuke the enemy off from my finances.
- Mighty Angels of God, locate and arrest every evil spirit assigned to rob me of my finances.
- Evil minions of darkness working hard to spiritually siphon my finances, be arrested now!
- By the flaming sword of God, I sever every string of darkness tied to my finances for the purpose of remotely manipulating my finances.
- Every witchcraft spell of manipulation done against me to rob me of my finances, be broken now in the Name of Jesus Christ!
- Every form of witchcraft attack and secret diversion of my finances, be destroyed by the power of the Almighty!
- By the power of God, I break every hidden evil POS siphoning my finances without my knowledge!
- By the authority of Jesus Christ, I pronounce recovery over my finances.
- By the power of the God, I strike every hand of darkness off my finances.
- By the blood of Jesus Christ, I shield my finances from future attacks and manipulations of the enemy.
- Thank you Lord Jesus for victory over the enemy and his devices.
Final Thoughts On Dreams Of POS Machine And ATM Cards
The possibility of the kingdom of darkness attacking and influencing the finances of a Christian—and the same manifesting as dreams of ATM cards and POS machines may sound like a joke to some. But some of us know what we've seen and experienced when it comes to the attacks of the enemy.
There's no limit to how far the enemy can go in his desperation to steal and divert the Believer's finances. This is why it is unwise to down-tone the seriousness of these kind of dreams, but that the same time, do not approach them with fear.
Always remember that you contend against the works of the enemy from a place of a conqueror. Victory is always yours through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
God bless you.