Get Free Christian Books From These Online Sources

Looking for online resources that provide you with free Christian books? We bring you diverse sources of free, quality Christian books online.
Knowledge happens to be one of the bedrocks of the Christian faith. A man is saved after coming to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and the reality of His finished work on the Cross. 

Even after being saved, Christians are expected to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). This is where sourcing for more knowledge from good Christian books becomes necessary. 

Although more knowledge of God can be garnered by going to church and listening to sermons, but in the end, many Christians are left longing for more. This brings the need to get beyond just sermons in church services, to studying to know more about God for oneself. 

Free Christian Books Online

While the Bible itself remains the primary source of knowledge concerning God (and Believers are commanded and expected to study it), there are also other Spirit-filled books written by fellow Christians who have 'been there and done that' when it comes to Christianity. Getting such books and reading them will provide the Christian with more spiritual nourishment. 

Some of the benefits of reading Christian books include;

  1. Growth and advancement in your knowledge of God 
  2. They aid your swift grow spiritually
  3. Having read from others what God has done for them and through them, your faith will definitely experience tremendous growth
  4. You will be further changed and conformed to the image and likeness of Christ

Before the advent of the internet, Christians would have to visit libraries and physical bookshops to obtain good Christian books that can help their walk with God. But the advent of the internet makes things a lot easier. In the virtual world, one could obtain most of the Christian books that they never thought they could afford—and sometimes—without having to pay a dime. 

Hosea 4:6 ESV
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

As seen in Hosea 4:6, God Himself instructs us to study. Necessity is laid upon us to advance in our knowledge of God and Christian spirituality. 

I believe that you are one of those Christians who is on a journey to know God more through diligent studies. I presume you have been searching for the right books to study as a Christian. If you have been searching for free Christian books online, then you are in the right spot on the internet to get just that. 

Because I understand the need of most Christians in our days, I saw it necessary to compile for you a list of online resources that can provide you with free Christian books. Go on and share this article with other Believers, they may also find it helpful.  

Just so you know, I found out that, 

  • There are telegram groups and channels where you can get free Christian books
  • You can also get hardcopies of free Christian books mailed to your physical address
  • There are also websites where you can read Christian books for free. 

So sit tight as I bring you these and lots more. 

Firstly, you can get beautiful stationaries, tools and resources that can help you grow spiritually and improve your relationship with God on ChristianJournal.  

Free Christian Book By Mail

In case you are curious about whether or not it is possible to get free Christian books shipped to you, the answer is definitely yes! At least, I found out that it happens and it's true. 

There are a couple of Christian websites that offer free Christian books (hardcopy) to anyone who wants them. You don't even have to pay for shipping fee either. They offer to post the book free of charge to your address. 

One of the reputable websites that does this is Uplifting Books. But that's not all. They also have a page on their website where you can choose to get these books in ePub, Mobi & PDF formats, if you're not comfortable with having the paperback shipped to you. 

Follow this link to visit Uplifting Books and see for yourself. 

To be more specific, here are some Christian books that you can order for free, and they will be shipped to your mailing address. They include the following:

1. Recovery Bible 

Recovery Bible is widely distributed by Bible for America; a group of Christians in the United States who found strength in reading the Recovery Version of the Bible. Apart from the fact that they drive around to distribute the Book in a motor home, you can also get your free copy of the Bible by visiting their website. They will have it shipped to you for free. 

2. A Grain Of Wheat 

Here is another source of free Christian books by mail. The Grain of Wheat Ministry was started by David W. Dyer, with the aim of serving the Body of Christ all over the world. They do this in many ways, including their offer to share with the world free copies of books by popular Christian authors. 

You can visit a Grain of Wheat website to order a variety of Christian books on three easy steps. Most of the books are available in PDF, Word or ePub and MP3 formats. 

3. Pocket New Testament 

By visiting, you can get a pocket-sized copy of the New Testament Bible shipped to your address. They offer to ship the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible to any location in the world. 

Although, note that you can only request a copy. Which means you can't get on the site and request many copies. Another person would have to request their own free copy of the same book with their own details. Shipping may take 6-8 weeks to arrive. 

4. How To Study The Bible

One of the books every Christian should read is How To Study the Bible, published by The Associated Bible Students, based in Ohio, USA.

How To Study The Bible is a comprehensive Bible study guide that will help you gain deeper insight into the holy scriptures. 

The Associated Bible Students is a non-denominational Christian fellowship with independent congregation all over the world. Visit their website to get your free copy of the book. 

5. God’s Plan For Mankind

God's Plan For Mankind is written by Fred Coulter. Christian Biblical Church of God, a Fred Coulter ministry, offers tons of free Christian books (including God's Plan For Mankind). You can visit their website to order your free copy of the book and have it posted to you. 

6. Kids Club for Jesus

If you've been searching for an online resource where you can get free Christian books for children, Kids Club For Jesus meets this need. 

They are specialised in providing quality Christian books for free, all of which they get through donations. You can browse their free catalogue and order up to 5 books per month. 

Read Christian Books Online For Free

A lot has changed in our world today, and most people would rather go for soft copies of their favourite books, instead of the cumbersome paperback or hardcopy versions. 

Interestingly, there are websites where you can read quality Christian books for free. On some of these websites, you can also save copies of the eBooks to your device in PDF formats. 

The websites below offer free Christian eBooks, available in PDF formats. Visit them and get life-transforming books today for yourself and your loved ones:

Telegram Group To Get Free Christian Books Online

The Telegram app holds many groups and channels where Christians share books they are reading with each other. You don't need to buy these books, you only need to save them to your devices and access them for free. You can as well share books that are not in their catalogue, so that other Christians can benefit from them. 

Christian Telegram Groups And Channels 

These are Christian telegram groups and channels that offer resources that can further aid your spiritual growth as a Christian, and help you build a better relationship with God. Check them out:

Final Thoughts On Free Christian Books Online

God has done His part by saving us, filling us with His Holy Spirit, guiding and instructing us. One of the instructions He gives to us is to study (2 Timothy 2:15). Even Jesus Christ, while He walked the earth, was a student of the Word and an avid reader (John 8:28). 

I believe that every genuine Christian knows the importance of studying to know more about God. This article is just another resources to guide you to more resources that can make your studies easier. 

Beloved, I trust that you found this information helpful. From what you've read so far, it is apparent that you can get a plethora of free Christian books online. Don't take the opportunity for granted, seize and utilize it for your growth.

Keep visiting our blog for more information like this. 

God bless you. 

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About the Author

Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.
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