Men Ought Always To Pray

The Lord said that men ought always to pray. Let's see what He meant by this in scriptures.
Men Ought Always To Pray


Luke 18:1 KJV
And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

God's Mind Today 

A lifeline is something that is regarded as indispensable for the maintaining or protection of life.

Oxygen is a lifeline, without it we cannot breathe; we would suffocate and die.

Surprisingly, people don't check their car engines as much as they check the tires. We can safely say that the lifeline of a car are the tires (even though the engine is seen as most important). We check the tires regularly to make sure they stay gauged.

The engine, even when it is in its best condition, can not accelerate the car without the tires. Except the tires are in good shape, the vehicle becomes unusable. Same thing applies to our prayer life

Today, the Lord wants to remind us of the importance of staying prayed up. We might be strong and in good health, but without prayer, we are in danger. Human strength and good health may fail in one day if we neglect prayer

We might not know what the enemy is plotting against us next, but when we have a consistent prayer life, we can always be sure that we are covered.

There will always be reasons and excuses to not pray. There are so many activities seeking our attention daily. But if we cultivate the habit of devoting at least half an hour daily to prayer, that would go a long way. 

Key Point

If we put prayer out of our schedule, we put God out of our life. No matter how perfect things may seem in our life, we must not forget prayer—for it is unwise to do so. We must stay prayed up to stay covered. Keep your lamps burning. Stay prayed up and stay alive! 

Scriptures For Further Study

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
  • Matthew 6:9-13
  • Matthew 26:40-41
  • Mark 13:32-37.


Thank you Father for reminding me today that I must maintain a consistent and quality prayer life. Empower and enable me to make this a habit in my life in Jesus Name. Amen.

God bless you!

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About the Author

Anointed And Gifted Christian Dream Interpreter, Christian Therapist, Writer And Web Designer.
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