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What Does A Bus Mean In A Dream Biblically

I f you're one of those who had once seen or have been seeing dreams concerning a bus, chances are that you've been searching for …

Dreaming Of Getting Shot At

I realise that seeing a dream of getting shot at happens to be a routine for many people, especially Christians.

Biblical Meaning Of Someone Trying To Kill You

A good number of people have seen diverse kinds of killing dreams, but one the most prevalent ones tends to be dreams about themselves ki…

Dreaming Of The End Of The World Biblical Meaning

L ately, dreams about rapture and end of the world have been coming more frequently, to both Christians and non-Christians alike.

Biblical Meaning Of Being Robbed In A Dream

Seeing a dream of getting robbed does not happen frequently, but whenever such dreams show up, the dreamer has to pay careful attention;…

Should A Christian Commit Suicide?

S uicide happens to be a very delicate subject, such that must be approached with much diligence. When it comes to ascertaining whether com…

Biblical Meaning Of Eggs In A Dream

One of the most frequent dream interpretation requests I have received happens to be about the meaning of eggs in dreams.

Prayer For Boldness

W e know that we live in a world devoid of peace, equity and godliness. And the Christian faith happens to be one of the most persecuted o…

Prayer For Confidence

I believe that everyone needs confidence; God created man in such a way that he would be unable to do without it.

Christian Dream Interpretation, Why Is It Necessary?

I have discovered that many people aren't only uncertain on whether or not the dreams they see actually mean anything spiritually. But t…

What Does It Mean To Dream Of Your Partner Cheating Spiritually

M any have come to me, requesting to know what it means to see their partner cheating in dreams. I saw it necessary to write this dream int…

Biblical Meaning Of Seeing Feces In A Dream

I understand that waking up out of a dream of feces can leave one very perplexed. The worse part of it is when this sort of dream tends to be …

The Great Commission In The Bible

Right before His ascension and return to Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ gave a command to His disciples, concerning the job they were to do …

Prayer For The Church

O ne might ask, “why should we pray for the Church? I thought the Church is suppose to pray for us” . And there are also some who wouldn'…

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Being Chased In A Dream

One of the most common dreams that people (reportedly) frequently see, happens to be dream about being chased. At least eight out of ever…

Powerful Prayer For Good Health

T here's a school of thought that believes sickness is part of God's will for man. But I want to seize this opportunity to announce…

Pray This Prayer For New Week

W e're often instructed to start our day with God. But why not start our weeks with Him also?

Can Christians Be Demon Possessed?

M any have asked me this question: can a Christian be demon possessed? Although I always try as much as possible to provide them with an ac…

How To Grow Your Faith

H ow do I grow my faith in God? This question is often misdirected to Christians we think do not have faith at all. But as a matter of fac…

Biblical Meaning Of Mountains In Dreams

I have received many dream interpretation requests regarding what mountains represent in dreams. I've also come to the understanding …
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