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Christian Dream Dictionary

Biblical Meaning Of White Lion In Dreams

One of the most dreaded dreams that some people see is a dream about lions. If you saw this dream and have been searching for the accur…

Biblical Meaning Of Wolves In Dreams

I may not know how many of you reading this have once seen a wolf in your dream. But there is the possibility that if you found this art…

Spiritual Meaning Of Electric Shock Dream

Dreams come to us in various forms. Sometimes they come unexpectedly, and some other times, they could throw us off balance. One of the d…

10 Warning Dreams From God

God communicates with most Christians today through their dreams . He sends us instructions, guidance, warnings and revelations of what He i…

Biblical Meaning Of Owls In Dreams

H aving received many dream interpretation requests from different people, asking to know the spiritual meaning of owls in dreams, I've…

Biblical Spiritual Meaning Of Motorcycle In A Dream

I t is not common to see vehicles in dreams. Such dreams rarely come and they don't come to very many people. But whenever these dre…

Biblical Meaning Of Flooding Water In A Dream

S igns of what is happening in our lives come to us through various means. One of those means are dreams . God has designed it in such a …

Biblical Meaning Of Dreaming Of Being Arrested

Different kinds of dreams come to different people daily. While some of these dreams are easy to understand, others come laced with many sy…

Biblical Meaning Of Coffin In A Dream

P eople see all manner of dreams each time they go to bed, but one of the strangest dreams reportedly seen by many happens to be a drea…

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Being Lost In A Dream

Dreams come in various forms; some are familiar, while some are strange. One of the strangest dreams that people see daily happens to be…

Dream Of Casting Out Demons Meaning

I understand that seeing demons in dreams can be a bit terrifying, but sometimes these dreams reveal very important facts concerning our s…

Biblical Meaning Of Medicine In The Dream: What It Means To Take Medicine In Dreams

O ne of the most perplexing dreams that people often see is a dream about medicines. If you've been searching for the biblical meani…

Biblical Meaning Of Killing A Snake In A Dream

A dream about snakes is one of the most disturbing dreams that many see. I'm aware that both Christians and non-Christians see drea…

Spiritual Meaning Of Fighting In A Dream And Winning

I t is not uncommon for people to see themselves fighting in dreams. Apparently, these dreams can be very disturbing, especially when the d…

Biblical Meaning Of Slippers In A Dream

K nowing that there are people who have seen different dreams about slippers and do not seem to understand what they mean, we will go on ye…

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Shoes In A Dream

T he sleep state was designed to be a period of rest, but sometimes, certain dreams can make people stay up, confused about what's g…

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Finding Money

M any have reportedly seen money in their dreams. But money dreams come in various forms. One of the most common dreams about money happ…

Spiritual Meaning Of Cats In Dreams

I have received many dream interpretation requests and one of the most pressing ones happens to be the meaning of cats in dreams. So sit ti…

Church In Dream Biblical Meaning

A dream about church happens to be one of the most pleasant dreams that many see. But sometimes, there is also another side to these dre…

Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming Of Attending A Funeral

O ut of all the dreams that people see daily, a dream about funeral tends to be one of the most disturbing. Today we will delve into th…
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