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Christian Dream Dictionary

Biblical Meaning Of Seeing Feces In A Dream

I understand that waking up out of a dream of feces can leave one very perplexed. The worse part of it is when this sort of dream tends to be …

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Being Chased In A Dream

One of the most common dreams that people (reportedly) frequently see, happens to be dream about being chased. At least eight out of ever…

Biblical Meaning Of Mountains In Dreams

I have received many dream interpretation requests regarding what mountains represent in dreams. I've also come to the understanding …

Dream Teeth Falling Out Biblical Meaning

A good number of people have recently made requests asking me to write on the meaning of teeth falling out in dreams. I've also com…

Dreaming Of Being Pregnant Biblical Meaning

M any often wake up perplexed whenever they see pregnancy dreams. Dreaming of being pregnant or someone you know being pregnant is defi…

Biblical Dream Meaning Of Tires

D reams about tires are not common like some other dreams. This dream rarely comes. But whenever a person dreams about a tire, such a dre…

Biblical Meaning Of Hair In Dreams

T he human hair is one of the most valuable parts of the human body. To a great extent, the hair is still a mystery to man. Join us as we ex…

Unbraiding Hair Dream Meaning

T he last time we discussed about hair in dreams, we talked about the meaning of cutting hair in dreams or seeing someone cutting your hair…

Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing Soldiers In A Dream

Some of our blog readers have reportedly  dream ed about soldiers, and some suggested I write an interpretation on seeing soldiers in dreams. S…

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming About Ants

A good number of people have seen ants in their dreams, some are still seeing such dreams. If you stumbled on the article on this article wh…

Spiritual Meaning Of Praying For Someone In A Dream

Praying in dreams is very common among Christians. Ability to see dreams itself is a powerful gift from God. Through Dreams, a lot is revea…

Dream Of Speaking In Tongues

There are people who have come to me with questions like, “I had a dream that I was speaking in tongues, what does it mean?” Let's trust…

List Of Christian Dream Interpretations

T he ministry of Biblical dream interpretation is a powerful gift to the Body of Christ in the end time Church.

Spiritual Meaning Of Drinking Alcohol In A Dream

There are people who often find themselves drinking alcohol in their dreams and wonder what such dreams could mean. Today, we will learn th…

Spiritual Meaning Of Fruits In A Dream

A lot of people see fruits in their dreams and end up wondering what such dreams could mean. I presume that if you found this article while search…

Biblical Meaning Of Falling Trees In Dreams

From my observation, not many people are seeing trees in their dreams . But for the select few who occasionally dream about trees, today we will di…

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Dreaming About Dogs

One of the most tricky dreams that people often see is a dream about dogs. I call it tricky, because dog dreams tends show up looking pleasant and …

What Does Flying In A Dream Mean Spiritually

A ccording to those who have reached to me and shared about flying in the dream, at first they were scared that something is wrong with them. This …

What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of Rain In A Dream

M any people dream about rain almost on a daily basis, but not everyone who dreams about rain understands what their dream means. This is why we ar…

Biblical Dream Meaning Of Umbrella

One of the unexpected dreams that people happen to see is a dream about umbrella. If you saw an umbrella in your dream , you must have wondered wha…
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